In the second episode of Bigg Boss 17, the drama and emotions were at an all-time high. The episode began with Abhishek extending an apology to Soniya, leading to a heartwarming moment of reconciliation. Meanwhile, the housemates danced to the tunes of the new Bigg Boss anthem, setting a lively atmosphere.

Ankita Lokhande shared the story of her marriage with Vicky Jain, revealing that their love story began through mutual friends. However, tensions flared as an argument erupted between Abhishek and Arun due to a rather unusual issue – Arun’s farting problem, leading to a chaotic chase around the house.

Sunny Arya intervened, advising Abhishek to control his temper, but things escalated quickly, resulting in a physical altercation. Bigg Boss had to step in to issue a stern warning to Abhishek about his aggression.

Munawar and Vicky offered Abhishek some valuable advice, urging him to exercise patience and control his temper. Ankita also expressed her concerns about Abhishek’s aggressive behavior, fearing it might distance him from his friends.

Abhishek later apologized to both Arun and Sunny, promising to keep his anger in check. Bigg Boss directed Ankita to an inauguration of a therapy room for special audio therapy. In the midst of the chaos, Khanzaadi entertained the housemates with her rap performance.

Anurag and Munawar engaged in a dispute over household duties, accusing each other of not contributing enough. Jigna shouted at Anurag, revealing that several contestants, including Ankita, were neglecting their duties. Anurag confided in Arun, believing that Jigna had double-crossed them, claiming that Ankita wasn’t fulfilling her responsibilities.

Bigg Boss introduced a nomination task, asking housemates to name one contestant from their respective rooms who they considered a casting mistake. Neil, Isha, Aishwarya, and Vicky nominated Mannara, Ankita named Neil, and Mannara named Isha. As a result, Mannara, Naved, and Abhishek were nominated for eviction this week.

Naved and Mannara expressed their disappointment at being nominated, with Naved attributing it to his limited understanding of Hindi. Mannara, in particular, felt betrayed by her roommates, especially Vicky. Despite Ankita and Vicky’s attempts to console her, Mannara distanced herself, not wanting their negative energy.

Mannara and Munawar were called to the confession room by Bigg Boss. Mannara tearfully expressed her disappointment in Vicky, feeling he had backstabbed her. Bigg Boss advised her to stay true to herself and not change for anyone. Munawar was advised not to play the role of a mediator.

Safe contestants’ names were displayed on the Hyundai wall, a ritual that will continue each week after nominations. Munawar tried to help Mannara understand the game’s dynamics, and the episode ended on a thoughtful note.

In this episode, emotions ran high as friendships were tested, and housemates faced the consequences of their nominations. Bigg Boss 17 promises to be a rollercoaster of drama, emotions, and unexpected twists. Stay tuned for more thrilling updates!

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