In recent heartbreaking news from Gujarat, a series of heart attack-related deaths have shaken the community, with the youngest victim being just 17 years old. This article explores the events, provides insights from medical professionals, and offers advice on how to ensure the safety of participants at garba events.
Gandhinagar: At least 10 heart attack deaths have been reported at garba events across Gujarat in the past 24 hours, with the youngest victim being just 17 years old. The shocking incidents have prompted discussions about the safety measures that must be in place at these cultural celebrations.
Over 500 ambulance calls were made in 24 hours, highlighting the need for quick medical attention at such events. The government has issued an alert, urging event organizers to take all necessary precautions, including ensuring that ambulances are readily available to transport individuals to hospitals in case of health emergencies.
Tragedy in Kapadvanj:
One heart-wrenching incident took place in Kapadvanj, Kheda district, where 17-year-old Veer Shah suddenly fell ill and experienced a nosebleed while participating in garba. He was immediately rushed to a hospital, but tragically, he was declared dead upon arrival, with a heart attack being cited as the cause of death.
A grieving Ripal Shah, Veer’s father, made a heartfelt plea to fellow revelers, emphasizing the importance of taking breaks during garba. He shared his devastating loss, hoping that it wouldn’t happen to anyone else.
Community Response:
Upon learning of Veer’s passing, those at the garba event observed a two-minute silence in his memory. The organizers decided to cancel the event for the next day, setting an example for others in Kapadvanj who followed suit.
Similar incidents, including the deaths of individuals in their 20s, have been reported in other cities like Ahmedabad, Navsari, and Rajkot.
13-Year-Old Tragedy:
In a shocking turn of events, a 13-year-old boy also succumbed to a heart attack in Vadodara district’s Dabhoi. Vaibhav Soni had been returning from a garba event on a cycle when he fell and sustained minor injuries. While it remains unclear whether his heart attack was directly linked to playing garba, the incident raises further concerns about the health risks involved.
Medical Expertise:
Dr. Anurag Mehrotra, chairman of the cardiology department at Siddh Hospital, emphasized the alarming health statistics in India, including high rates of diabetes, pre-diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. These conditions significantly contribute to heart-related problems.
Dr. Mehrotra stressed the importance of preparedness at such events, suggesting that organizers should have automated external defibrillators and individuals trained in CPR on-site to save lives in critical situations. Furthermore, he underlined the significance of adopting a healthier lifestyle, avoiding sedentary behavior, and consuming less processed and ultra-processed foods.
The recent heart attack-related deaths at garba events in Gujarat serve as a grim reminder of the importance of safety measures and a healthy lifestyle. Event organizers and participants must work together to ensure the well-being of everyone involved in these celebrations, preserving the joy of cultural festivities while minimizing health risks. Your safety should always come first, and the lessons learned from these tragic incidents can help prevent future heartbreak.