In a startling turn of events, the Ahmedabad police crime branch and the directorate of revenue intelligence have apprehended a former chemical engineer from Gujarat, whose transition from a legitimate career to a drug lord has sent shockwaves through the nation. This arrest, made in Aurangabad, has uncovered a sinister narcotics empire that supplied drugs to multiple cities, including high-profile rave parties in Mumbai. The operation led to the seizure of a massive cache of chemicals, including ingredients for mind-altering substances like ketamine, mephedrone, and the notorious cocaine. This article delves into the details of the arrest and its implications on the illicit drug trade.

The Shocking Revelation:

During the operation, authorities discovered hidden facilities in Maharashtra’s Aurangabad containing an astounding 23,000 liters of chemicals, a chilling cocktail earmarked for the illicit production of mind-altering substances. The inventory, deemed as a grave threat to society, included 23 kilograms of cocaine, approximately 17 kilograms of mephedrone, and 4.3 kilograms of ketamine – all intended for the treacherous black market.

The Staggering Value:

The estimated value of this colossal haul of psychotropic substances and raw chemicals was a staggering Rs 500 crore, emphasizing the severity of the operation’s scale and reach.

The Criminal Journey:

Suspect Jitesh Hinhoria, a Surat native and former pharma employee, made a dramatic career shift approximately a year and a half ago. He ventured into the shadowy realm of narcotics production, establishing an underground operation in Aurangabad. This transition marked the beginning of his criminal journey, as he set up distribution networks for cocaine in Mumbai and various psychotropic drugs in Ratlam, Indore, Delhi, Chennai, and Surat. Notably, Chennai became the primary market for ketamine, while mephedrone found numerous takers in Surat, as indicated by police sources.

The arrest of Jitesh Hinhoria, a chemical engineer turned drug lord, is a stark reminder of the extent of the narcotics trade and its ability to infiltrate the most unexpected quarters of society. The operation’s revelations, from the massive quantities of illicit chemicals to the staggering value of confiscated substances, expose the gravity of the situation. As law enforcement agencies crack down on such operations, it serves as a deterrent to those contemplating a similar path. This arrest underscores the relentless efforts of authorities to combat the drug trade and protect society from its harmful consequences.

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