Warner Bros. DC announcing an entirely new concept for establishing their universe with an all-new Superman and Batman, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is not far behind in making fresh project announcements. This time, it’s the Taika Waititi series that’s being discussed. With Thor: Love and Thunder failing to meet expectations, it was evident that the MCU needed to reform. Well, it appears that the Thor director agrees with such sentiments. During a recent interview, the filmmaker discussed Thor 5 and the ideas for the next Marvel adversary. Here’s what the director had to say about his upcoming production.
Taika Waititi confirms that Thor 5 is in the works.
That will undoubtedly be a difficulty for the upcoming films. Furthermore, the director stated his dissatisfaction with the staleness of the Thor films. “What else can I do to him?” “It’s got to be something that feels like it’s carrying on with the character’s evolution, but still in a very fun way, and still giving him things to come up against that feel like they’re building on the obstacles that he has to overcome,” Waititi expressed his concerns about the next line of events for the Thor films.
What will next for Thor?
The interview revealed that the filmmakers intend to make a far more serious film this time. Given the failure of Love and Thunder, the’silliness’ of the films will be avoided this time. “Ah, I know what I’m doing,” you understand? So I’m not sure – again, I’m not even sure if I’m invited back. But if I were, I’d have to make a completely different version – tone, everything. Watiti expressed his personal goals for the future film, “Just for my own sanity [laughs].”
As of yet, there is no official word on when the film will be released. However, there appears to be no timetable until late 2025.